Your legacy.


"Every time a person dies, it's like a library burning down." Alex Haley. Your lifetime of experience has touched so many people. There are myriad creative ways to tell your story, your way. Below are just a few of the ways we can support you to share your inspiring life. We can facilitate other legacy options, like having a tree planted in a botanic garden, producing video messages to loved ones, having a portrait painted, or arranging donations to organisations making change in the world.


The story of your life.

No matter who you are, you have lived a life of stories worth telling, a life worth remembering. Through illuminating conversation, we can record your experiences and your wisdom, in a format that can be shared online or as a printed book. We can also incorporate stories from friends and family reflecting their love and shared experiences.


Letters of love and goodbye.

In the reflective time at end of life, thoughts around things said, or left unsaid, things done or not done, or things we may not be here to experience with our loved ones, can be some of the biggest regrets. Allow us to help you find your unique way to share your feelings, or to arrange for delivery of your messages.


Archiving family photos.

Dusty boxes of old albums and photos sitting in your cupboard? We can arrange to scan, digitise and archive your old printed photos. More importantly, we can take the time to record for you all of the faces in photographs that only you remember, or places and stories close to your heart that only visual images can tell.


Tell your story - live recordings.

What better way to have your words and mannerisms captured on video? In the comfort of your own home, we can help you craft your story, or conversationally interview you for so you can tell your story.